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Thursday April 17, 2014 - Pataskala Elementary School Q&A Session on the Bond Issue prior to the School Board Meeting!  Please come with any questions or concerns you may have.  Doors open at 5:30 PM


Attention SWL Parents: The SWL school signs are out. We have gone door to door in many of your neighborhoods. We have made appearances at your children's sporting events. Hopefully you have witnessed first hand how diligently the Stand Up! Citizens for SWL Schools committee has been working to keep voters informed on how important passing this Bond Issue is for not just our kids, but for our whole community. We have a couple of very important events planned. The media will be invited to attend and we hope to see many of you SWL parents and students out there showing your support as well.


Wednesday, April 23rd: Walk to the New Schools locationWe will host a walk from Watkins Memorial High School to the site of where the new high school and elementary school would be built when the bond issue passes. Meet at the tennis courts at the high school at 6:00 pm and the walk will begin by 6:30. This walk would be a great time for you and your kids to make a handmade sign to carry. Bus service has been donated to take you back to Watkins. Once back at WMHS, we will have a photographer from Jenny Lynn Portraits, who has donated her services and for a $5 donation she will take a family picture/picture of your kids in your black and gold in the gymnasium. You will be able to talk to other supporters and if you have questions, this is a great opportunity to get them answered. Bring kids in strollers! Bring your dogs! Bring your neighbors! Wear your black and gold and get everyone excited to get out there and vote for our schools/ our kids/ our community!


Monday, May 5th: "Rally on Broad Street" to remind people to go out and vote on May 6th. 5:00 p.m - 6:30 p.m - People can park in the Kroger lot and line the street holding handmade signs (encourage the kids to make posters) and reminding people to vote for SWL Schools and to support their community. This is another great opportunity to get the kids involved. If you have any questions regarding either of these events, you can visit the website and send an email to the committee. We will answer you. Thank you and we hope to see you at these events as well as at the polls on May 6th voting YES!


School bond issue tops spring ballot measures...
SWL schedules Q and As on bond issue...
SWL places $65M bond issue on May ballot | The Newark Advocate ...
SWL to place $66.5 million bond issue on ballot | The Newark ..
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